Clubhouse Survey Results Revealed

At its January 2022 meeting, the Waterstone HOA Board of Directors presented results of a survey taken by HOA members regarding the clubhouse renovation project. The summary was generated by SurveyMonkey and may be downloaded here.

In presenting the summary, Board Treasurer Jemmie Wang observed that there were 262 household responses, which comprises 46.2% of total Waterstone residents. He characterized the percentage of participation as “incredibly high” in comparison to typical surveys.

Regarding the project, residents were provided three options to rank in order of importance (see Q.8 in summary):

  • “Maintenance” (Option #1; approximate cost of $300,000);

  • “Enhancement” (Option #2; approximate cost of $450,000); and

  • “Renovation” (Option #3; approximate cost of $600,000).

The survey results generally showed that a simple majority of respondents:

  • preferred a maintenance approach to the clubhouse project;

  • could tolerate some enhancement to this HOA amenity; and

  • did not desire a complete renovation of the clubhouse.  

The survey is indicative of the views of HOA members, but does not represent a “vote” on what approach should be taken. For example, survey results indicated that 75% of respondents have not rented the clubhouse in the last five years, and this may have relevance to the scope the project will take.

Using the survey results as its guide, the board will now confer with its architect, krM Architecture, to refine the parameters of the project.


Community Directories to be Delivered in February


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