Residents Invited to Take New Social Committee Survey

The Waterstone Social Committee wants to hear from you!

Below you will find a link to a survey as well as a letter from our new social committee chairpersons, Jordan Hanscom and Andrea Kulsrud. Your responses will be used to create a calendar of activities that HOA members will support and enjoy.

Be sure to share the survey link with your neighbors, and thank you for your participation!

Survey link: 2022 Waterstone Social Committee Survey

Dear Waterstone Neighbors,

One of the many things that sets Waterstone apart is the opportunity to build community within the neighborhood. There are so many opportunities to connect with neighbors informally, however the Waterstone Social Committee is seeking to organize meaningful events for the remainder of 2022—and for years to come!

To help do this, we have put together a survey that all residents are invited to complete:

2022 Waterstone Social Committee Survey

We will use your responses to help us know where we should focus our efforts.

We are also recruiting volunteers to serve on the social committee. Volunteers will help us plan and execute social events. Serving on the social committee is a great way to build relationships with others in our neighborhood and have a meaningful impact. If you are interested, please contact one of us or a board representative.

We are so appreciative of the leadership of both Sara Ladrigan and Mona Euler for organizing previous social events. We join all residents in saying thank you for all the fun you have brought to Waterstone over the years!

We look forward to planning events that you will enjoy attending, and we look forward to meeting more of our neighbors. Please take a few minutes to fill out the 2022 Waterstone Social Committee Survey today!

With thanks,

Jordan Hanscom and Andrea Kulsrud


New Pool Hours Announced


Now Available: Ballot and Proxy Form for May 3 Annual Meeting