Remember these Rules for Walking Path
Photo by Pixabay
With the coming of spring and a return to nice weather, it is a good time to remind our community about the rules that apply to the walking path around Lake Waterstone.
The path is not open to the public. It is a private path and exists expressly for the use of Waterstone homeowners and their guests. A homeowner must be present when guests are on the path.
The path is actually an easement across the private property of the lake homeowners. As such, no one should stray off the path, either onto the riprap surrounding the lake or onto the property of the lake homeowners.
The hours for the use of the walking path have been and will continue to be one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. These hours are set for the safety of our homeowners and to allow privacy for the lake lot homeowners. Simply said, walking the path in the dark can be dangerous.
The following are the lake path rules:
A. The walking path is for the use of members of the Waterstone HOA, their families, and their guests.
B. The walking path is for walking, jogging, and running only. Baby strollers and wheelchairs are acceptable at one’s own risk.
C. Dogs must be on leashes per the City of Carmel leash ordinance. Owners must clean up their dog’s feces and any other “messes” made by their pet, and must sanitarily dispose of the same.
D. There may be no bikes, skates of any kind, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, motorized modes of transportation, or motorized devices of any kind on the Walking Path at any time.
E. Rock throwing is prohibited. Such will not be tolerated, and the Waterstone HOA will impose repair or replacement penalties against those disobeying this rule.
F. Fishing is permitted by lake property owners only on the lake property owner’s own dock and the lake-adjacent bank of the lake property owner’s lot. All other Waterstone HOA members may fish from the lake bank at three locations: (1) the boat ramp on the south end of Heatherstone Place; (2) the lake bank adjacent to the clubhouse; and (3) the lake bank of the common area just south of 126th Street along Bayhill Drive. No one may use a lake property owner’s dock or lake adjacent bank (land) without that lake property owner’s specific permission.
G. Quiet enjoyment—Loud noise, profanity, obnoxious/lewd/offensive behavior upon the lake, the docks, the lake banks, or the walking path are specifically prohibited.
Enjoy the lake this spring, and thank you for your adherence to our lake rules!