Residents Asked to Take Clubhouse Renovation Survey by January 15

The Waterston Homeowners Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce that a new survey is open to residents regarding the clubhouse renovation project.  

An expository letter from the board to residents may be found below.

December 11, 2021

Dear Waterstone homeowners,

For well over a year, the Waterstone Homeowners Association Board of Directors has been diligently working on deciding the scope and scale of repairs and/or renovations needing to be made to the Waterstone clubhouse. In early March of this year, Waterstone Board of Directors President Chuck Lencheck provided a detailed update to all homeowners on our clubhouse. That update informed that certain steps would now be taken on this issue:

  1. Select an architectural firm to guide the board on next steps

  2. Use that firm to develop ideas and resultant costs for various alternative steps to address such renovation and/or repair

  3. Share those ideas and estimated costs with the Waterstone community in order to gain further input from our homeowners

  4. Select a contractor from multiple construction bids for the completion of whatever type of project is ultimately chosen

In mid-June, the board retained krM Architecture+ (krM) for professional guidance to address the clubhouse renovation. After a series of meetings with the board, on September 19, 2021, architects held a resident input event near the clubhouse to share information with all homeowners on various improvements that could be made to the clubhouse, and gather homeowners’ input on desired changes to this valuable community amenity. Following that event, krM provided further information to the board on the outcome.

It has been the board’s clear intent to seek additional input from HOA members who were unable to attend the September 19 event. Toward that end, a new survey has been carefully developed by the board to delve deeper into what homeowners want or do not want regarding potential renovation, upgrades, and/or repairs to the clubhouse. It is critical to the board’s future action to receive input from as many HOA members as possible by responding to this new survey. By clicking on this link, each household can provide the necessary input the board needs to move forward with this project.

Full link to survey:

It will only take minutes of your time to complete this new survey. Please do so today, but we’d like your response by January 15, 2022, at the latest.

—Waterstone HOA Board of Directors     


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